Brand Recharging - Michael Dukes

Clients hire me for one of two reasons: either to move an existing brand forward, or to help shape a new one. I work with ad agencies, early-stage startups, billion-dollar multinationals and pretty much everything in between.

Michael Dukes

Branding • Copywriting • Creative Direction 

Clients hire me for one of two reasons: either to move an established brand forward, or to help insure that a new brand starts off on the right foot.

Often this means creating a website, an ad campaign or both. It might be a naming project, or ghostwriting/editing a CEO’s thought leadership. One B2B solution for VISA had them mailing out thousands of delicately engraved rocks. Every day's different.

Brands I’ve helped include everyone from Slack and Deloitte to Jack Daniel’s and the U.S. Army National Guard. These days I work with a range of ad and design agencies, fledgling startups, billion-dollar multinationals and pretty much everything in between.

Work samples? Kindly direct your gaze [here].